We had an incredible wedding in Xcaret! We wanted to share with you a few of our favorite moments. Our first time shooting a ceremony in the "Capilla de Guadalupe" located in Xcaret, Mexico… An AMAZING LOCATION!! The chapel is just breathtaking with its unique architecture. The Chapel of Guadalupe descends underground. The altar is surrounded by one of the underground rivers, sitting underneath a sacred Ceiba tree carved in the shape of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Just the scale of this room is unbelievable! The Mayans considered the Ceiba Tree a holy tree and often buried their dead ones at the roots of these trees so they could climb to the heavens faster. This chapel has witnessed the weddings of the rich and famous!
Claudia & Tito held their reception at the "Hacienda Desfibradora de Henequen's Elena, a beautiful replica of Henequen's old haciendas in Yucatan of the early XX century. Amid a beautiful and romantic decor with an extraordinary atmosphere and traditional Mexican elements, Claudia & Tito celebrated their union with love and joy beside friends and family. Thanks for letting us be part of your story!

Related terms: Xcaret Wedding Chapel,The Chapel at Xcaret Park, Xcaret wedding photos, Xcaret Wedding in Playa del Carmen, Xcaret wedding photography, Weddings Xcaret Mexico, Xcaret Wedding Photographer,